Don’t Be Afraid. April 12, 2020

SERMON Pastor John Kerr Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020 Theme:  “Don’t Be Afraid”     Text:  Matthew 28:1-10   This year Easter is different than any before in my entire ministry.  Because of the coronavirus, health care workers are exhausted from shifts in...

A Funeral Procession. April 5 2020

SERMON Pastor John Kerr Theme:  “A Funeral Procession” Text:  Matthew 21:1-11 There is no question here—we have a celebration.  There’s excitement in the swelling crowd.  Some took off their cloaks and put them on the road.  Others cut branches in the field and spread...

When is the Resurrection? March 29, 2020

SERMON Pastor John Kerr Theme:  “When Is the Resurrection?” Text:  John 11:1-45          Date:  Sunday, March 29, 2020 Lazarus was dead.  I don’t have to tell you what earthquake changes occurred in that family.  There was paper work.  Lazarus always did that.  We...